About Me

Oxford, United Kingdom
Hello, my name's Mared Evans and I'm the Vice President: Activities and Development of Oxford Brookes Students' Union for the year 2007/08. I am here to make your life regarding societies, activities and sports as easy as possible so you can enjoy your time at Brookes to the full. You can find me either in the Activities Office by the front door of the SU, my office in the Exec Corridor or out and about on our Go Out And Listen (GOAL) days. I am also available by email on obsu.activities@brookes.ac.uk and telephone on 01865 484783. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have queries of any sort!

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Sabbatical Officer Report from Mared Evans

VP: Activities and Development


To ensure the provision of financial support for those sports teams which do not currently receive support from the Sports Centre and to lobby on their behalf throughout the year.

Successfully affiliated a sports team as a sports appreciation society which enables them to receive funding matching their membership fee. More affiliations to follow.

- To arrange a RAG week either in Semester 1 or Semester 2 involving not less than 100 students as active participants and to increase the amount of money raised for charities compared to previous years.

Elections for this year’s RAG charities were held in the AGM and the results were as follows:

Local: Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust
National: Cancer Research
International: Water Aid

Still planning the official RAG week for second semester. Potential for including student’s idea for “BrooXes Factor” in the RAG week but further discussions with Commercial Services Manager needed.

In negotiations with other Unions to hold a joint RAG event such as an “Old School Sports Day”.

- Within the year arrange a showcase trip in another European country for performance societies.

Currently waiting on quotes from various companies for a few different locations such as Prague, Croatia, Barcelona etc. Through consultation with societies it has been agreed that the suggested time after summer exams and after the summer ball would be best. Luckily this is still before the school summer holiday so costs can still be kept down.

- To provide monthly publicity of the aims and objectives of STAX.

Attended the STAX Welcome Party. Spoke with some students about the aims of STAX and the benefits to themselves. Made a short speech about STAX from the SU’s perspective. Highlighted the Investors in Volunteers scheme which allows STAX to nominate students for national awards.

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